Over 2 Million Pageviews: 20 for 20 Social Media Campaign

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CU Direct


As a way to celebrate their 20th year in business, I worked with my team at CU Direct to create the 20 for 20 Giveback Campaign. This online voting contest was held from December 2 – 22, 2014 and invited credit unions and the public to vote once daily for a Children’s Miracle Network hospital they wanted to receive a $20,000 donation.

In total, the 20 for 20 Giveback Campaign received over 350,000 votes and had over 2.1 million page views to the campaign website, all in under 20 days. Ultimately, CU Direct donated $60,000 to six Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals across the United States. 

Press Coverage:
ABC Salt Lake City, Utah
ABC Flint, Michigan
ABC Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
NBC Waterloo, Iowa
NBC Baltimore, Maryland