OK, so last time I learned to be still and know that he is GOD, but I’m looking for some answers, right?
Why am I here, what is this all about? What is the purpose of my life.
Really? Just enjoy what GOD has made for us? Enjoy being in relationship with him, with nature, with each other?
That was a hard pill to swallow for an “A type” personality like myself. Though I did not feel successful, at least not as successful as I SHOULD be, I was always striving.
Striving to be the best at my career, my education, as a friend, as a husband, as a Father, and a Christian.
Yes, even at Church I was always looking for ways to “do more” for GOD. Give more, serve more, build a ministry, reach more people. All incredibly positive and blessed things, but not necessary.
We were made for enjoyment. For GOD’s pleasure and ours. He wants to be with us and enjoy each other. GOD put man and woman in the garden and use to walk there with them. Work, pain and shame are the result of sin, not GOD’s plan (GEN 3).
Kind of takes the pressure off, at least from GOD. Though the pressure really never came from him in the first place. It comes from both our outside relationships and our own voices. Whether we are high achievers or wish we were, we are under constant pressure to do more. Even at Church.
I would find out later ways to integrate building up the kingdom back into my life, but for this day I needed to understand that was not the objective of my life or my faith.
For me, it is a matter of not putting the cart before the horse. Not doing more to get the enjoyment, but letting those activities flow out of my enjoyment with GOD.
And if I am trying to evangelize, I have to ask myself, what am I offering people? Doing more, or enjoying more?
“Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.”
This post is part of a series about my beach encounters with GOD. Read from the Beginning>>
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