Maritz MPrize Winners Announced

On Monday my team presented our mobile application, MPulse, to the judges of the MPrize competition at the Maritz headquarters in Fenton, MO. I have to say I thought our product looked good and we looked snazzy wearing our matching QR coded shirts. Unfortunately the judges went with one of our competitors.
I am more than a little disappointed. I have been working with the 5 members of my team on this project for the past 6 months. Thanks to the hard work of my teamates we put together an application that could be used right away in the marketplace. The judges did mention that they liked our product and wanted to incorporate some of our features into the winning product.
Overall it was a good experience and it was fun to see an idea turned into an actual working product. I want to thank my team Silvana, Jon, Eric, Don and Rob for all the hard work they put into MPulse. We learned a ton and I'm sure the knowledge we gained from putting this together will pay off. Take a look at the overview video and a couple of Google commercials I put together for the presentation.
MPulse Overview (Artwork by Jon Bullok)
Ad: QR Codes + Mpulse = The Future
Ad: How to Give Feedback from Your Mobile Device
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