7 Keys to Marketing Genius: Implementing Promotions

The following is an excerpt from The 7 Keys to Marketing Genius by Michael Daehn

Promotions are what most consumers relate to when discussing the marketing process. Promotion involves carefully blending various elements of marketing communications to work in harmony with one another, enhancing, complementing and synergizing into a dynamic interactive message with the target audience. When done correctly, integrated marketing communications or IMC tools become the culminating force, which brings your marketing efforts to fruition. If you have done the hard work and laid the proper foundation by Defining Your Purpose (Key 1), Finding your Advantage (Key 2), and Creating an Image (Key 3), then you are more than ready to Implement Promotions (Key 4).

Many companies don’t put in the effort to form their strategy first; instead they jump right into promotions. But what are they promoting? What is their purpose? What is their value proposition (competitive advantage) to the customer? What image are they trying to project? It makes sense to understand Keys 1, 2 and 3 before trying to tackle the promotion of Key 4.

Think of each of the following methods: advertising, public relations/PR, sales promotion, direct marketing, and Internet/interactive as tools in your IMC toolbox. Like my dad used to say, “Don’t use a screwdriver when you need a hammer.” Always pick the right tool for the job. At the same time, IMC tools work together, hence the term integrated. An engine and four tires will not get you far, but put them together with the right parts and you have a speedy Ferrari. So use as many appropriate tools as possible to generate a synergistic marketing promotions campaign. The following descriptions are in no particular order.

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