Another Reason to Like Feedburner
Not only should you copy feedburner's copy, but follow their lead in customer interaction. I got this email from their director of marketing after making a blog post about them:
Michael - Thanks for sending this along. Funny thing, I had already seen your post earlier today. Some people like the copy and others not so much. But I think overall the feedback has been mostly good. I appreciate the shoutout on your site. We often like to point to blogs that leverage FeedBurner services. Let me know if we can include you among the other folks in Publisher Buzz: the meantime, we'll continue to try to follow the "Marketing that Rocks" mantra and hopefully never make it into your other blog. ;)
Cheers, Traci --Traci Hailpern Director of Marketing FeedBurner
That's great customer service and builds relationships. Oh and did I mention I am not a paying customer for any of their services? least not yet.