Great Resources For Selling And Marketing Professional Services - RainToday
RainToday today has lots of free tools and resources for marketers- particularly if you are selling services. I just read a couple of their ebooks and these were the highlights for me:
Alan Weiss
Promote the Value of the serviceDon’ commoditize your service by focusing on price. Focus on ROI- how will your service be of value?
Keith Ferrazzi
Do your homework on the person you are meeting with. Make a personal connection with them- that is what they will remember.
Larry Bodine
Charge for initial meetings and proposals
-Filters out people looking for free advice
-Narrows your audience to serious clients
-Puts your image at a premium- you only work with the best
Mike SchultzDon’t over think it! Do your homework and then get started.
Vickie Sullivan
-Narrow your focus and amount of content you give in speeches. Give them a taste.
-Don’t focus on what a star you are or tell stories only about yourself. Tell success stories about others
-Only take good speaking opportunities
Dick Jacques
Stats on the impact of selling books
I like this site because the info is from sharp professionals and put into a quick and easy format. Check it out...