The Evil Empire Strikes Back
The Baptists are lightening up on their stand against DisneyAccording to this article- Memories of SBC boycott fade as Disney lake hosts baptisms:
"The baptisms came at the end of a fading boycott that started in the 1990s, when SBC leaders criticized then-Disney chairman Michael Eisner for instituting gay-friendly products and company policies. SBC members also decried perceived sexual licentiousness in some Disney movies."
Though the SBC leaders in this article say they were never for the boycott, I thought it was excellent. Disney is motivated by profit, so if you want to get their attention you have to vote with your dollars.
I call them the Evil Empire ever since I worked for them at Disney Ice in Anaheim CA for 2 years in the 90's. I got an up close and personal view of how Disney treats its "cast members." Thankfully they have since left hockey which may give the Mighty ones a chance at being a legit NHL team in the future.