7 Keys to Marketing Genius: Hit Me
The following is an excerpt from The 7 Keys to Marketing Genius by Michael Daehn
The second key feature of the Internet is the ability to track activity. Since the movements of viewers around the site can all be recorded and tracked, there is a plethora of data not provided by any other IMC tool. Most people think a “hit” on a website means that someone visited the site. Actually anytime your cursor moves over a link on a site is counted as a hit.
There are a few key metrics focused on by Internet marketers. They know what kind of software you are using to browse the Internet. Companies can tell how you found the site either through a search engine or a link and sometimes, more importantly, marketers see where you exited the site. I often will leave a site if I do not like or understand the design of a particular page. I know that I am sending a message to the company that there is a problem with that page for me.
Just as with the club card data, there is almost too much information available to Internet marketers. There are several programs available to help companies make sense of Internet data. Collecting all this information is futile if it is not used to customize the experience and build stronger relationships (Key 5).