Posts tagged social media
Over 2 Million Pageviews: 20 for 20 Social Media Campaign
Social Media Case Study Download DAEHN.png

CU Direct


As a way to celebrate their 20th year in business, I worked with my team at CU Direct to create the 20 for 20 Giveback Campaign. This online voting contest was held from December 2 – 22, 2014 and invited credit unions and the public to vote once daily for a Children’s Miracle Network hospital they wanted to receive a $20,000 donation.

In total, the 20 for 20 Giveback Campaign received over 350,000 votes and had over 2.1 million page views to the campaign website, all in under 20 days. Ultimately, CU Direct donated $60,000 to six Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals across the United States. 

Press Coverage:
ABC Salt Lake City, Utah
ABC Flint, Michigan
ABC Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
NBC Waterloo, Iowa
NBC Baltimore, Maryland

Social Media Team Profiles

Increase personal connection between company team members and members of our social community.


AnyMeeting on Twitter
AnyMeeting on Facebook 

To put a face to the responses, I set up a profile background on the Twitter page. Team members interact differently with customers. Each person responding uses their initials so customers have a connection. They can also tell when they are working with a technical support person or a marketing communications person. Internally it provides accountability so we know who took care of the customer. This was carried over to the Facebook page as well.

The Love Revolution Website


The Love Revolution


Joyce Meyer Ministries



Joyce Meyer Ministries was launching a grass roots campaign for people to show love by helping others. The challenge was whether to build our own site to host photos and videos or to leverage existing sites. Since hosting all of the content was cost prohibitive, we directed people to join the cause on social sites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. We provided some downloadable content on the site including, wallpapers, graphics and posters. We also provided a handbook to get people started and a weekly idea.

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